Heldenplatz: Heldenplatz, Hofburg

Next-level communication – blueprint for success

Smart stage settings with the right lighting and camerawork to create the perfect picture are in greater demand than ever before, with creativity coming into its element in the video design. Both target groups – on-site and digital – need to have access to the same quality of experience, which means that an additional focus has to be placed on facilitating meaningful interaction between both sets of participants.

Tools such as surveys, chats and video talks as well as co-creation technologies are all tried-and-tested ways to increase engagement. The Hofburg Vienna team helps organisers to design innovative concepts that bring messages to life while helping to combat Zoom fatigue. Organisers and planners have a golden opportunity to completely rethink their formats. And experience has shown that there is no such thing as a one-type-fits-all solution. A cohesive event identity that runs through all communications from invitation to stage design is the ideal way to enhance recognition. A unique backdrop and atmosphere are also decisive factors. The events of today are carefully stage managed, interactive and multisensory experiences. The Hofburg Vienna sees itself as a full-service partner from the initial idea to designing, planning and staging events. We always have been – and always will be – diversity pioneers and are here to guide you through the process.