Heldenplatz: Heldenplatz, Hofburg

Facts & figures

To get a survey of the most salient facts and figures about Hofburg Vienna, please click on any one of the links below:

Event mix
Variety comes first at the HOFBURG Vienna

Europe's first address for conferences and corporate events, banquet, exhibitions, concerts and balls.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Social and environmental responsibility a defining characteristic of the Hofburg Vienna.

Spaces, technical equipment and services
Imperial flair and technical perfection

Europe's first address for conferences, banquets, exhibitions and concerts.

company profile
Hofburg Vienna at a glance

From its ownership structure and management team to its special focuses and aspects of its corporate identity a successful company presents itself.

From Habsburg Residence to International Conference Centre

Dip into more than 700 years of architecture, politics, culture and art...

Catering at the Hofburg Vienna

The Hofburg Vienna is offering culinary creations from three exclusive catering partners: international premium caterer DO & CO and MOTTO with its creative, fresh event catering.